Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Life can be so hard....

I am having such a hard time with my children, the twins, they are now 15 and I cannot control them whatsoever. It's amazing how these children were so easy until they started HS and then they turned. I wrote to many of you on your blogs and asked for prayer for them. My Dad offered to give us a house on his ranch in Bandera, TX. Free rent, free overhead, etc. He is doing this because he feels God has told him to offer us this due to my lack of no job, no money and Mike's social security. Well my kids are not cooperating and told me on no uncertain terms, "we are not going"! Hummm....now from my knowing the Bible it says in Ephes 5 says "children obey your parents" doesn't it? Also if they don't submit to us how are they ever going to submit to God now or in the future? How are they going to submit to their husbands in the future? I am in tears trying to make them understand that we are their parents, we make the decisions.

I have given this over to the Lord over and over. I have asked the Holy Spirit to intervene and when I do, it does calm down. I have told them that no decision has been made to move until we go there to see the ranch. I told them they are a part of the family but if we want this and you guys don't, we have to make the decision. I believe in kids having a say, but I don't believe that whatever they say is what will happen. My husband came over to me and hugged me and told me he didn't want me to cry. I said "I will only do what God wants us to do, not my will but His, if it's wrong, there will be obstacles in the way" He said he could see that, but he has spoiled them so bad...but the Bible has been my refuge and a lot of praying. My girls can make friends anywhere but if God wants us to do something, nothing will stop it from happening! I want to share with all of you what God gave me in my daily:
"Come to Me with open hands and an open heart, ready to receive my abundant blessings. ( which is hard for my husband to do) I know your neediness. Your life-path has been difficult (to say the least), draining you of strength. Come to me with nurture. Let me fill you with My Presence: I in you, and you in Me" Isaiah 40:29-31

Praise God! ...."He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power....Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired. They will walk and not become weary." This is my prayer for my family and I ask that all of you keep me in your prayers for the battle that I am enduring right now with my girls and my husband. I so long for peace and I pray for that daily!

I love you all

Monday, April 20, 2009

Living for God is what's important

I am totally amazed sometimes when the enemy strikes, and I have to remember that he is striking because God has something wonderful for me! I can smile at that right now but less than 30 min ago I was in tears. Lets see...my unemployment check is lost, I called them they say they mailed it and the post office hung up on me cause they say they don't have it anywhere, my husband and I are fighting over..MONEY..and a job, my health, due to stress is, for lack of a better word...good..and I feel like I just don't know where to turn!

So as I was crying out to the Lord..I asked Him in a rather demanding tone :).."Lord help me, help me reach out to You and show me what you want from me" Well the first thing was, give Mike to me, stop trying to change him, leave him in my hands. Second thing He gave me was to ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for me..and then I went right into the word and went to Romans 8:18 "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us" Well that brought a smile to my face..and then I went on to v. 26...and in the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.....v. 35 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall TRIBULATION, or DISTRESS....or FAMINE......v. 37 "But in these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come,.....nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"!
Praise GOD! Nothing can separate us! All the things in this day that has tried to break my spirit shall separate me from Jesus! Why is it that we concentrate on these things that the enemy tries to make us feel are so important? Sure I have no money to get food or gas, whats the worst thing that can happen? We have rice for a couple of days..I tried everything to find that check and believe me..no one can help, so that tells me God is trying to show me something..LEAN ON HIM!! Thats it in a nut shell..and it took all this to show me. Well Praise God..He will work it out as well as work out Mike and me. Keep me in your prayers but thank the Lord, He has shown me His grace and mercy in all that I do!

Friday, April 17, 2009


First thank you all for praying! I want to share with you what I wrote in my journal..last night my sister from NJ surprised me and showed up..well I knew about 7 hours earlier so I wrote this in my journal."Lord I had to clean the apt and in my mind I was cleaning it for Yvette..but I wasn't! I was doing it to have a sense of accomplishment. Yes I did good in myself, but I realized I don't need to do good with you! It was as if I needed to challenge myself by getting up and doing things but that isn't necessary to have you approve of me. You love me for me!! I don't need to clean or cook, or be Mrs Brady..I am not those people I am DONNA! Donna has a purpose an its being obedient, spending time with You in any way I can..but doing it! I need to pray with the kids, and Mike..change me Lord..because it's not always someone else.."

My daily was so cool today and I wrote that too:God is training me in steadiness. Too many things interrupt my awareness of God. He knows I'm in a world of sight and sound, but I must not be a slave to those stimuli. Awareness of God can continue in all circumstances, no matter what happens. This is what God desires. Don't let unexpected events throw you off course. Respond calmly and confidently, remembering God is with me! As soon as something grabs my attention, talk about it with Him. God shares our joy and problems. He helps us to cope with whatever is before us. This is how He lives and works in and through ME! This is the way of Peace!
Isaiah 41: 10

Praise God!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A lazy posting :( What a title...

First forgive me for not being online and blogging. I have had so much happen to me..not all good but it happens. I lost my job..but God is good..my unemployment is as much as I made!! I always need prayer for things and right now it is for getting my act together. I have a web site that deals with artists www.discoveredartists.com/donnasfineart hope you like it. It has as many art paintings on it as I could put. Funny..I seemed to always post when I didn't have time and when I have time I don't post?! Go figure? I think it is the part of us that gets a little down when we loose a job. We just can't seem to make it back right away...we sit and ponder, we tell ourselves, "Okay God, I know I have to read but I'm just gonna watch a little TV now, ya know I never did before?" Then the days go on and on and on, and then you have no excuse except being lazy. You find yourself in your PJ's until 1pm. You find yourself watching soap operas more than usual. Internet surfing and facebooking becomes addicting...then you realize..God is starting to be the least one you run to!!

WHY! I don't know, I don't have the answers and yet it continues. I decided to go back and start posting. I decided the ones that read my posts were always the ones who built me up, helped me seek and knew that the only way was JESUS!! I kept every posting in my journal while I was working, I read every scripture and every daily while I was working..and now..it's hard...I don't want it hard I want to run to the "Father" I want to place my trust back where it was.

So we join as one again. We remain in the faith as one again...and pray together as one again..if not then we can't call ourselves "sisters in the Lord", right? I wrote good blogs and I want to continue. Help me to do that!!

I found this in my daily but I think it helps me today " Be thankful for quiet days, when nothing special seems to be happening. Instead of being bored by the lack of action, use times of routine to seek my face. You are richly blessed when you walk trustly with Me through the routines of your day." Psalm 105:4 and Colossians 3:23

I love you all!