Hey everyone!! I don't know if you will all get to see this..I mean my dear friends from the summer..its been a while and all I can say is, God has been working on me so that I put all my attention on Him and not everything in the world. I have been working on my art work..I give art lessons and I've sold a few things also, so God has been showing His favor with me! I'm not saying its been financially easy because its probably gotten a little worse, but I know I'm being pruned and pruning can hurt.
I'm making this short because its from my cell phone..I want to hear from Tonya, Alice, Kat, Linda and whoever I treasure that I have missed. I plan on going home and sending you all a note to let you know I'm here!! I will also post a few pictures of my art. Until then read what God has for you:"Come to me when you're hurting, and I will soothe your pain. Come to me when you're joyful, and I will share your joy. I am All you need, just when you need it. Your deepest desires find fullfillment in Me alone"
God Bless..